Find out more about how ImaginAb can support your own trials.
Investigator TrialsImaginAb can provide its agent to support your own clinical development program.
Pharma TrialsImaginAb has a number of clinical programs currently live using its investigational CD8 ImmunoPET technology, including its own sponsored Phase IIb iPREDICT trial that was launched in January 2022, and a number of investigator initiated trials. We also provide our technology through a series of non exclusive licence agreements to a number of pharmaceutical and biotech businesses that are looking to use it within their own clinical development programs.
We can provide expert advice, support and guidance to help you successfully implement CD8 ImmunoPET within your studies.
The clinical trials that we have live in different geographical locations can be found from searching the location map below.
Search trials utilizing our CD8 imaging technology.
Our operations can support clinical trials within North America, Europe, and Australia.
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